Monday, May 16, 2011

Time to relax....almost.

Is it ever really time to relax? I'm not talking about me. I mean do any of us ever relax?

Obviously this blog has been neglected, but between yoga classes morning, noon and night, the kids school, the 5 dogs (yes, there are 5 now- I thought it would be a good idea to foster dogs so we have 2 extras,)weddings, brides, birthdays and laundry I don't have a lot of time to sit down and write. My friends are in the same boat. They may not have 5 furry friends, but between all their stuff they too are stretched to the limit. I think it's time that we all make a commitment to doing less. Summer is coming, school will be out and we all need to make a pact here and now! Let's agree to the following:

I will find 10 minutes a day to sit in the sun (or shade if it's too hot) and enjoy my surroundings.

I will ignore the pile of laundry and eat ice cream, drink lemonade or draw on the sidewalk at least one night out of the week. The laundry will wait, summer will fly by.

I will say "No, sorry, but I cannot help," the next time someone asks for just a little favor. Unless you actually want to help, but that's a horse of a different color.

Certainly we can all take a little time for ourselves and our mental health this summer. The world won't end if you are not involved in that next fundraiser, your kids will still have clothes to wear tomorrow if you don't do the laundry (bathing suits totally count as clothing,) and you will feel better after soaking up some rays and just breathing for a few minutes. Who's in?