Monday, March 28, 2011

The Purple Skirt

I finished the skirt today that I started over the weekend. I'm pretty happy with it. There are a bunch of flaws, but being that it's my first attempt at making a piece of clothing for myself, I don't think it's too shabby. Also, I love the little hook things I used. Not only are they cute, but they helped me avoid making a button hole, which I am fearful of. I have two more skirts to sew, so I'm thinking my house will be condemned by Fri., but at least I'll have my kicky new skirts.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Easy like Sunday Morning...

We had a relaxing weekend, which is unusual. Yesterday I made a new skirt, we had dinner at Wild Wings Cafe and I watched The Big Chill for the 8,497th time. Today the kids watched movies and I got some laundry done. I also read. I'm always reading something, but it's been awhile since I have read something new that I really liked. Luckily, I found a book at the library a couple of weeks ago called "The Surf Guru." It's a collection of short stories by Doug Dorst. I was unfamiliar with him, so when I picked it up I was totally judging a book by it's cover. The cover art and title are fabulous. The first story, which is also the title of the book, drew me in immediately. The stories were wildly varied, dealing with an aging surfer, a cake maker who was way nuttier than her desserts and then jumping to tales about teens who burnt down a forest and criminals on the run. As I read I found that I identified with some of the characters and was extremely curious about some of the others. I even found myself doing internet research on Van Gogh after reading one of the selections. All in all it was a great read and a book that I would consider buying in the future just to have on my shelf so I can re-visit it on a rainy day while I drink a cup of hot tea.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Sew what?

Today my buddy Mellissa and I went on a fabric hunt. She has a great new book with some awesome skirt patterns, so we were inspired to make some new duds for ourselves. I found 4 things that I really love and realized upon my return home that I already had 2 fabrics that coordinate with them. Yay! Since we are on Spring Break next week you will find me sitting at the sewing machine and probably swearing because, in all honestly, I'm not a great seamstress. Oh well, at least I have fun with it.


Hi guys! I felt like I needed a spot to park my stuff that isn't photography related, so from here on out I will have my business photo blog and I will have this one too. Here you will find amusing stories about the kids, sewing, food and yoga stuff. Maybe some ramblings about books. Really whatever happens to be on my mind on a particular day. You'll probably see a lot more activity over here, hah!
By the way, if this turns out to be a big snooze- don't say I didn't warn you!