Friday, March 25, 2011


Hi guys! I felt like I needed a spot to park my stuff that isn't photography related, so from here on out I will have my business photo blog and I will have this one too. Here you will find amusing stories about the kids, sewing, food and yoga stuff. Maybe some ramblings about books. Really whatever happens to be on my mind on a particular day. You'll probably see a lot more activity over here, hah!
By the way, if this turns out to be a big snooze- don't say I didn't warn you!


  1. Hi Carrie! This is awesome! I will follow you and link you on my blog (which is not much btw, just got started too.) But cool. :)

    Melanie Logan Groover (fellow Flickr & facebook friend)

  2. p.s. my blog address:
